Jessie.D Chang 張道芳
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳


2 stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

AI use case

4 stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Product metrics

8 stories

Common frameworks & Techniques a PM should use
Two sets of hands going over a report. One is pointing at a graph and wearing a business suit, while the other set of hands is reading over the rest of the report.
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Project mgt

17 stories

A diagram showing a circular process with 5 steps. The steps are Plan, Discover, Ideate, Craft the Story, and Implement. The diagram also shows that you can continue to evolve the Vision Story by repeating the process.
The Jira logo under a stop sign.
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Measurements for UX

14 stories

How to evaluate UX maturity
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Ui component

57 stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Soft skill

3 stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Flow improvement

4 stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳


1 story

Five people seated around a table. One person says “I’m not sure where I’m going, but I’ll keep talking because I have your attention.”
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳


2 stories

logo of Google
Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Design ops

1 story

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳


No stories

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Programming thing

1 story

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Jessie.D Chang 張道芳

Wellness Architect at HealYou. Product manager/project manager/scrum master/agile fanatic/travel lover. Experience in Synology, RealD, Klook, and Ubiquiti.